There are a couple reasons why I don't go to Tampa very often. One is a restraining order thanks to a bad night in Ybor City. (Is there any other kind?) The other is there's some serious poop going on down there. Witness: The crazy bastards of "Stumble Force" and their crazy-ass "Android Wings" contraption. Yes, that's a 12-foot-high EVO with a pair of 15-foot wings. And, yes, it's going to take flight over Tampa Bay. Or, should Sir Isaac Newton's streak continue, take flight into Tampa Bay.
If you're not familiar with the Red Bull Flugtag events, picture these things: A large body of water. A ramp. A human-powered flying machine, and sufficiently disturbed humans to pilot them. OK, not so much pilot, but hold on for dear life. Hell, watch the highlights from 2008, the last time the Flugtag was in Tampa. That ain't right. But it sure is fun to watch.
Anyhoo. Stumble Force and the aluminum-and-PVC Android Wings will be doing their thing today. We wish those crazy SOBs the best of luck.
Source:; Image: Stumble Force on Facebook;
More: Red Bull Flugtag; Thanks, @cwperdomo1 for the tip!